Plant Based Diet Information
Fake Health News
There is a huge amount of financially motivated misinformation or half-truths on the internet. To the point that is causes so much confusion with contradictory advice, quick fixes and magic potions that people throw up their hands and end up believing whatever fits their own bias and preferences.
The problem with this fake news is that the truth is lost. People either become entrenched with a particular point of view so that facts will not change their mind or become so skeptical that they believe nothing at all.
Who suffers? We do, because we may not be doing the right things to preserve our health even when the evidence exists. We become victims of those with a great sales pitch and a profit motive for whom your health is not a priority.
The solution is to keep an open mind and see what the science says. This could be an enormous and daunting task even for trained professionals considering the amount of data out there. Who has the time?? However, we are fortunate the have Dr. Michael Greger and his website and his pod cast. He sifts through the scientific literature discarding biased or poorly done studies to bring you the best evidence in nutrition. This is one of the most reliable and unbiased sources of nutrition information. It is presented in a very entertaining and easily understood manner.
Whenever we have questions, we will review what Dr Greger has to say on the topic because we know he has done an unbiased in-depth review. We encourage you to do the same.
So Why are we recommending a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet?
A Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet has consistently been shown in multiple scientific trials to be the optimal dietary strategy for health and longevity. It reduces weight without food restriction, hunger or counting calories. It also improves or reverse diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides. It is the ONLY diet shown to reverse heart disease. It prevents gout and kidney stones. It reduces cancer risk. It reduces inflammation in the body and improves many autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus and even Multiple Sclerosis.
These are big claims. Where is the evidence?
For more information about the science and evidence for a WFBP diet, we recommend you do the following in the order given. This is a big change and we want you to be convinced of the benefit.
1. Watch the following movies: (on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube) – Non-Medical explanation.
Movie |
Amazon |
Youtube |
Netflix |
a. “Fork over Knives” |
Rent |
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b. “Plant Pure Nation” |
Included |
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Not available |
c. “What The Health” |
Not available |
Included |
Rent |
d. “The Game Changers” |
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Rent |
e. “Eating you alive” |
Not available |
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f. |
2. For more a detailed presentation of the science watch the following lectures on Youtube
- “How Not To Die: The Role of Diet in Preventing, Arresting, and Reversing Our Top 15 Killers” by Dr. Michael Greger (Youtube) Aug 5, 2016
- “Proteinaholic” by Dr Garth Davis. (Youtube) Apr 23, 2018
- For those primarily interested in Weight Loss.Please see Dr Gregers latest youtube video promoting his book called “How Not to Diet”
- “Reading Food Labels” useful skill for shopping.
3. Look up specific questions related to your medical problems at website.